
How to inspire the next generation of volunteers?

The 12.7 million volunteers in Canada prove that volunteering is at the heart of our culture. The challenge is to continue to inspire a new generation of volunteers.

TechAide is a collective made up of 100% volunteers. For some, TechAide is an opportunity to develop their professional skills and learn from prominent members of the Montreal tech community. For all of them, the biggest motivation is to participate in concrete and innovative projects that have a positive impact on people here in Montreal.

About 20 ambassadors are leading awareness and fundraising projects for Centraide ($650k in 2020). Many volunteers are there to inform and engage the community. Marie manages the newsletter, Tony organizes the TechAide cafes, Bonaventure and Chris support the data projects, MingXi, Jean, Philip, Nicolas and Alexis are building the new TechAide website and design (scoop!), and many volunteers help organize the various TechAide conferences (AI, video games…).

It’s people like you who make a difference by getting involved in developing a more inclusive and generous community. Montreal needs you. Take the step and join us!

Laurent Maisonnave
TechAide Ambassador & Trustee

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