Christine Dupuis

Product Executive & Advisor


Christine is an experienced Product executive with diverse experience in both corporate and startup environments. She spends her time advising with growing companies, building out their product strategy and setting their teams up for success. With a background spanning McKinsey, Google, nonprofits and startups, she is known for her analytical, structured and adaptable approach to product management, as well as her skill in building high-performing, diverse teams.  In her recent role as Vice President of Product Management & Growth at Heyday, a conversational AI solutions company based in Montreal, Christine led the product strategy and efforts leading to an acquisition by Hootsuite for 60$M in 2021. After Heyday’s acquisition by Hootsuite, Christine spearheaded the integration of the product team into Hootsuite’s structure, taking charge of AI products across the company. Passionate about equity and diversity, she has been active in mentoring, teaching and creating accessible opportunities, co-founding APM Montreal and joining APM Canada’s Board of Directors. Christine holds degrees in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics and is a graduate of the Wharton School’s Google Marketing Academy program.

Why are you interested in participating at Product4Good?

I am extremely passionate about democratizing access to information. Access to information (whether through education or networking) is the key differentiator in people’s career outcomes and while talent is equally distributed, access to education and networks is not. This is why I love being part of APM Montreal and APM Canada, and love speaking at women in tech type of conferences.

When I am not directly addressing the under-represented groups, I like to help my VP-level peers to understand how they can create better cultures on their teams, to be inclusive.

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