Seema Lakhani

Former CPO, Wattpad


Seema is a founding board member of APM Canada, on a mission to improve the diversity of the industry, by providing entry level access and learning for underrepresented people in product, in order to build products that better serve the world’s needs.

She most recently served as Chief Product Officer at Wattpad, after almost 10 years helping to grow the Canadian internet storytelling success from early stage startup to acquisition, reaching over 90 million people around the world. She also served as General Manager for Wattpad Labs and Chair of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Seema is known for her expertise in startup innovation, scaling tech companies, growing revenue and leading anti-oppression practices. She is a champion of building products and companies that make the world better, especially for marginalized communities. Seema was awarded Canada’s 50 Best Executives in 2020 by The Globe & Mail and Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 in 2021.

Previously Seema led the corporate development team at Torstar Digital, assessing and investing in new disruptive businesses in the consumer internet space, as well as supporting the Toronto innovation ecosystem and startups at MaRS Discovery District.

Why are you interested in participating at Product4Good?

Product management is a growing and critically important field that plays a major role in how billions of people around the world interact with technology. The people who build these products and the approaches they bring need to reflect the diversity and needs of the markets they serve. Product4Good combines the notion of giving back though recognizing that technology exists only in the context of humanity and the communities we operate in, with painting a vision for the future of product management. My belief is that these two concepts are inextricably linked and I’m excited to share my own thoughts with you all on the subject.

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